Sunday, September 1, 2013

An update and continuation on an earlier post.

I posted two maps which showed the correlation between slavery in the antebellum South and the black population in the United States in 2000.

Just out of curiosity, I checked a map of poverty in the United States and found another correlation.

This is not an exact correlation because it makes no ethnic distinctions. What it does show is that the South never really recovered from the effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction. Both blacks and whites in the old South still fight poverty. Another interesting observation on this map is to note that there are pockets of poverty in counties where there are American Indian reservations.

And yet another correlation, poverty and diet. It is often noted that people living in poverty cannot eat healthy diets and are thus prone to obesity. The next maps shows this very well. People who keep telling us that obesity is a national health problem need to look at both of these maps.

Note again that the problem is not just in the south, but also on reservations. Amazing how so many things are interconnected, but we too often overlook them because we don't know history.

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