Saturday, September 7, 2013

Say it ain't so. One of the wonderful pictures that I always show when lecturing on the outbreak of World War I is the photo of a crowd cheering the Austrian announcement of their declaration of war against France. In the crowd is young Adolf Hitler cheering the announcement and waving his hat.

I just came across an article that claims that this photo is a doctored fake, done by the Nazis later as propaganda. I should have known better, because I have also seen pictures of young Hitler with his comrades as he prepared to go to the front. Notice the mustache. Hitler is on the left.

Or this one.

Or later in the war with him comrades.

Not the same age as the Hitler in the Vienna photo.

Also notice in a close up, that the arm waving the hat, which they claim is Hitler's actually seems to belong to the guy next to him. 

How we believe anything they tell us about history?

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