Thursday, September 12, 2013

Tired of Governments Regulations? Here is a better time before them.

We hear everyday from someone how government regulation of products hurts sales, eliminates jobs and so on. Let's look at a time before the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed in 1906. Here are some products that were offered in the late 19th century.

Or how about for pain.

Got a cough?

Maybe  drinking problem.

Same thing worked for toothaches.

Instantaneous cure. I'll bet!! Or maybe your favorite. One glass contained up to 9 mg of cocaine.

Lung problems? Have a smoke. Unless you are under 6.

Want a good steak? These men could provide.

Then this book changed all that.

After reading it, Theodore Roosevelt pushed through the

Which had an immediate effect.

And is still around today. So the next time you hear someone complain about government regulation, remind them of a better time when they didn't exist.

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